You certainly won’t be worried about your cash flow to buy units, and rebuilding your armies after a crushing defeat is a simple matter of twiddling your thumbs for five or six turns, but you need to save up, plan and grow your regions in order to be able to field an army that can compete with your nearby rivals.
Your more powerful units are free to raise from the dead as well, all the way up to the huge Hierotitan or Necrosphinx constructs, but anything more advanced is given an empire-wide cap by the particular buildings you have constructed in your cities. However, you won’t get far with just these basic piles of bones.

Admittedly these are your most basic sword and spear units to start with, and you can only recruit three per turn within a given region, but it’s a simple waiting game to be able to smother your nearest foes under a mass of dumb, fearless skeletons.

The Tomb Kings have the capacity to go marauding much quicker than many other races thanks to the simple fact that your regiments cost absolutely nothing to recruit. While those foolhardy mortals seek to control the Vortex, what’s fascinating is how that is a mere sideshow for the Tomb Kings, whose sole aim is to collect five of the nine Books of Nagash and gain control of the Black Pyramid of Nagash. Woken from centuries of slumber by foolhardy explorers, the dynasties that once ruled the world have risen once more, summoning their legions back from their graves to march forth and reclaim what was once theirs. There’s no prizes for guessing what helped to inspire the creation of the Tomb Kings faction, as there’s the distinct flavour of Ancient Egypt and popular myths that surround it. It’s no surprise, then, that Rise of the Tomb Kings brings something a bit musty, rotting and mouldy to the table… in a good way!
The fantasy world is chock full of races from the table top game, each with their own fully fleshed out lore, characters, motivations and unique twists. The most difficult part of adding a new faction to Total War: Warhammer is probably choosing which one comes next.